Verbs with “s”, “es” and “ies” in Present Simple

In the present tense, there are are two Present Simple verb forms   the verb to be or other verbs.

With the verb be we use am, are, and is. The negative is formed by adding not to the verb: is not (isn’t), am not and are not (aren’t)

Other verbs in the   Present Simple verb form    in the 3rd person singular

we add “s”, “es” or “ies” at the end of the verb
I run
You run
He/she/it runs
We run
You run
They run

There are three ways to make the “S form”:
–          by adding “s” to the end of a verb (run >runs, sit >sits,see >sees, play > plays)
–          by adding “es” to the end of the verb that has a sibilant sound – ss, ch, x, tch, sh, zz (watch > watches, guess > guesses, mix > mixes)

–          by changing final “y” to “ies” after a consonant+y (study > studies, party > parties, fly > flies)

Work:I work in London; They work in Berlin; He works in an office
Study:You study English; we study geography; she studies French
Finish:I finish early; you finish late; John finishes tomorrow
Pass:You pass your exams; they pass their exams; Maria passes her exams
Do:They do their homework; we do our homework; She does her homework
Have:  We have a nice car; you have a big car; Fred has a black car
Play:  I play chess very badly, your sister plays very well
Mix:   The chef mixes the flour with the water

To understand a little more the subject here is a video


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